Getting ready for summer.
After a few weeks of nice weather and a long Easter for some people have been busy and there has been a big increase in fencing materials and general items going out of the yard. I assume like Dad (Chris) people are gearing up and getting things done ready for the sunny summer months that are to come, Dad has been fixing a shed roof, Mum (Julie) has got her tomato plants in the greenhouse and I am planning a bread/pizza oven for the garden!!
Here is an email from one customer who has obviously just finished his works project.
Another project finished.
Thursday 17th April 2014
Hi all at Ridley Sawmill,
Please find attached my project report from our Willow House Project in Hampshire, which you supplied the wooden uprights for.
Hope you find it interesting!
Happy Easter,
circular arts
A Young Parent/Young People volunteer and child Arts Engagement Project for the Romsey Catchment, Spring 2014
Photo's hopefully to follow.