Monday, 22 July 2013

Rain please...!!

I know this sunshine and 30oC heat is all very nice but the Christmas trees in the field are calling for some rain.
Anyone with a garden, window box, raised bed or a field full of crops will know that plants need three things to grow -
1) Light
2) Air (carbon dioxide)
and ......
3) WATER  (which we are in serious need of)
In the last few days whilst pushing the mower up and down the rows I notice the new growth on a dozen or so Christmas trees have gone brown and that the ground is so dry that there are inch wide cracks every where, to the point I have rescued some of the tiny trees which I have found laying in such cracks and have re-planted them in the vegetable patch.
There have been thunderstorms forecast for this coming week but also Chris Ridley's outdoor wireless weather station contraption shows that the humidity has risen from 53% to 85% outside in the last few hours so we may be in for a sprinkle.
But as we know this is England and when it rains it really does rain so fingers crossed for just a few days rain to water everything including the Christmas trees so we can stop pulling the hose pipe up and down the rows.

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